Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter!

Yep....suddenly it's EASTER! How on earth did it get that late in the spring already? Seems like it was JUST March 1st, and the wonderful Spring Forward time-change just a week away. Now it's almost SUMMER for crying out loud!

Anyway...woke up this morning to an EASTER BASKET!! Jeannie surprised me...while I was out on an all-day-bike-ride last Friday (my 9/80 Friday off) she was out shopping with a friend and found a bunch of goodies she knows I like and put it all in a little basket! I felt like I was 9 years old again! (when was the last time you were given an Easter Basket?) I hadn't really realized it but it seems over the last 15 years or so I've almost always been gone over Easter (work travel). Boy was I surprised to see the little basket-full of goodies on the table when I got up this morning! I was even lamenting the fact (to myself) that for the first time in I don't know how long I didn't get myself a little box of Peeps. much as Jeannie detests them.... PEEPS!

 Here's the little basket....awwww...isn't that nice?? YES IT IS!

 And here's the goodies...Peppermint Farm white choc mac cookies (my FAVORITE Cookies...mmmm...white choc macs!!), blue PEEPS (hmmm...seems some of them aremissing...wonder what happened to them?), Trader Joes toffee chips (dark and milk choc), Swedish Fish, GUMMY Bunnies (MMM! Love Gummy's!), Trader Joes dark choc almond toffees, and dark choc peanut butter cups! Oh...and a BEER! (see next pic)

Jeannie knows me so well...I'm SO not into the IPA MADNESS CRAZE that has sweeped the's getting hard to find NON-IPA anymore it seems. Fig Mountain is a local brewery, and they have some really nice NOT IPA beers...the Danish Red is one of them! (they also have a fantastic Brown Ale and a Stout, also which I love!) 

So I'll be having the beer w/ dinner tonight...and the snacks will all make their way to work tomorrow (Jeannie asks me NOT to leave goodies like that in the house as she has no will power and will raid them unless I hide them really well). 

So I have snacks for DAYS AND DAYS at work...(and amazingly, I"m not really much of a snacker...I eat my meals but don't snack much....except at work during coffee break...then I WILL snack some).

And so...another Easter is here. That means the Spring Classics will be winding down as most of them are already history for this year. Last weeks Paris-Roubaix was one of the big tones...was really rooting for Sagan to hang on, but he still isn't quite there yet after being sick a few weeks back. And it sounds like this weekends Amstel Gold was a very exciting race, not that I got to see any of it. For once the guy who did a TON of work pulling a chase group up to the leaders held on to win...when does THAT happen? Good for Van der Poel, in his home country even! That's a career-making-win for sure! 

Well...that's all for today. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter day and weekend! Hopefully the Easter Bunny visited your house as well!

Game ON!


  1. Hey Matt & Rae! Sorry that I've been "away" but so far, this year has been as crappy as the last for me! Anyhoo, can't write too much now but I hope to next week.

    Rae - I got your FB "message" (I'd forgotten that was a feature!) & because I still don't have home internet or a smartphone, I don't have personal email. We're not supposed to use our work email for personal stuff, but I guess 3-4 emails between us should be ok. I'm working up a list of all my retirement questions so I can put them all on one email. :) The past few weeks I've been dealing with yet another dental issue (which will take the rest of this year to complete, argh!) so got off track.

    Tonight I go to the 1st of two classes of Retirement Seminars sponsored by our county. I've gotten the fliers in the mail the past 7-10 years & kept putting off signing up, but figured now is the time! There is another one, sponsored by another dept of the county that I hope to go to in October. These are not those things where some dweeb tries to sell you something, thank goodness. It concerns the financial side of retirement (saving for, spending your assets while in, etc) & I'm HOPING to learn something new or at least get confirmation of things I think. :) Does your county/state offer such seminars? Matt?

    I haven't been able to see ANY cycling on TV! The Paris-Roubaix show didn't start on the East Coast till 1:30 AM! I TRIED to stay awake but failed. :( I guess ToC will be on at least for SOME time that I can watch. And then the TDF (HOPING it's still going to air live & repeats most nights on NBCSN!) Apparently, there's some big CLIMBING this year during the 1st week!

    Alrighty, gotta scoot. Hope both of you had a happy Easter & have survived the weather craziness this Spring!

  2. Hey Susie, sorry you have another evil dental issue (all dental issues are evil!)...that hurts (literally). If my company has any retirement seminars, I've never heard of them. Hope they are informative and give you a sense of hope and peace...I know that I'm retiring in 4 years, and that thought is as terrifying as it is happy.

    Speaking of happy, Rae, how's it going? Your weather should be MUCH better now that jut a month or so ago...well, other than tornadoes and wicked storms I mean. Watching the news every morning is just crazy...we are SO lucky here...we just don't get much 'weather'. Wind, sure...but that's about it...wind, and marine layer. Lots of both.

    OK....gotta run. time for bed, then get up and get on the road for my bikepacking trip, woo-hoo!
