So... I'm home and watching news again (mostly because Jeannie watches news). During my entire trip I didn't watch or listen to ANY was AWESOME!
A common theme I keep hearing is about when we will return to 'normal'. I've heard lots of discussion on that but nobody is telling the real truth (referring to time I mean). Sure, the hard truth is there will be no normal until there is a widely available (as in world-wide) vaccine, OR, when nearly the entire planet has had the virus. Those are the only 2 scenarios that will allow the world to go normal again.
So...taking the vaccine off the table for the moment, being as we have no idea if an effective vaccine will EVER actually be available...(as there certainly is no guarantee that will happen...look at aids), let's just do the hard numbers.
I just looked it far the US has had 3.78 million "confirmed" cases. The United States 2020 population is estimated at 331,002,651 people at mid year according to UN data (from the internet). Now I will also take a huge leap here (due to the current highest estimated number of asymptomatic covid cases being at 45%) and say based on that figure (and I will even go a bit further and add 5% to it to make it an even easier 50%) then there have now been 5,670,000 cases of Covid-19 in the US, out of the total population of 331 million. That is only 1.7% of our population, and just to be generous (and make it easier as I am SO not a math guy) lets call it 2%. I figure we have been actively dealing with this since the beginning of March, which gives us a total of about 140 DAYS that our country has seriously been trying to slow the spread of the virus.
Given the rate of infection over that time, and IF there is never to be a vaccine, and assuming roughly the same transmission rate would continue, then we would need 13,720 more days for a 100% infection of just the US...which equates to 37.5 YEARS.
Yeah....have you heard ANYBODY talk about this (other than yours truly)?? This is a truly tough call here...what to do. We have already tanked our economy, putting countless people out of work and WAY TOO MANY small businesses out of business, and spent MANY TRILLIONS of $ that we don't even have...and we currently have LESS THAN 2% of our country so far that have had it.
The big question (the herd of elephants in the room) is where to go from here. We OBVIOUSLY can't continue doing what we are doing...(social distancing, and businesses either completely shut down or running at fraction of their necessary capacity). How long do we keep this up? That is the unanswerable question that will dominate the near future, as this is an election year. As typical in politics, this will be THE dominant factor in the election. The orange man is SO not doing a good job, but on that point, what would a good job be considering what we know? Congress is actually in control of a LOT of what is always blamed on the sitting President. So taking the lame efforts currently in play from the top, what should Congress be doing? HOW do we deal with this? I honestly don't know, other than that what we are doing, while slowing the transmission rate (which was actually teh goal from the start) is killing us as a country and the world as well. There is a lot of seemingly right things that could be done here.
One of the biggest changes we cold make is to do our best to shelter the highest "at risk" category of people...(the elderly and those with any conditions that make them more susceptible to catching it) and pretty much open the world back up for the rest. But by doing that you are basically taking away THEIR rights by denying them the same rights and privileges as the non-at-risk folk. But that would surely be the easiest way to get some semblance of 'normal' for most of just need to take away a smaller groups rights in the name of protecting them.
Obviously a vaccine is what the world is desperately counting on, and it will be the only real way I can see to get us to normal again. In the meantime, what do we do? Continue as we have been? At what point do we give that up (if the vaccine ends up being years or longer down the road)?
I sure don't know the answers here...I feel more like Gilligan (on Gilligan's Island) in the one episode where Gilligan was agreeing with everybody ("the Skipper is right....oh yeah, the Professor is right, yes, Mr Howell is right. Gilligan, everybody can't be right. You know Skipper, you're right!"
Pretty much in the big scheme of things, this isn't really much different than a bad Influenza season....every year the flu kills millions. Why is this SO different that we (the world) have been willing to financially wipe us out? I don't even really know the answer to that, other than politics. To have ignored this and let it wash over the world, well, I can only say that THIS one is different...I don't recall a bad flu season EVER wiping out the big cities ICU's beyond capacity, refrigerator trucks parked outside for the bodies (I saw on the news this am that Houston has trucks parked and ready much like NYC was using during their tidal wave of sick). And the potential of this virus (when you react bad to it) is worse IMO than even a bad KILLS even younger people, does some pretty bad things to many that survive (brain/heart/lung damage and more). I just know that I get my flu shot every year, hoping the CDC did a good job with their magic 8 ball as to what versions of the flu to add to the next years concoction....some years are better and some are worse. But no flu season that I can recall was like this.
Which brings us back to the question: what SHOULD we (and the world) be doing that we aren't, and what should we NOT be doing that we are? How do we ever dig our way out of this?
I liken this entire nightmare scenario we are currently living in to the fictional Star Trek Kobiyashi Maru test that they put all future Commanding Officers thru, to see how they handle a "no win" situation. (am I a total sci-fi-geek? Obviously the answer is YES).
So...the floor is open. What do we do? How do we forge our way forward? All I truly know is that I'm very glad that I'm NOT the one people are counting on for answers. And sadly, as has been the case for a VERY long time, the very people we truly NEED to step forward and lead us are too smart to do that to themselves and their families, and we are stuck with the B team (or worse) leading us.
Wow...sorry...this post got kind'a political, as I've sworn not to do here...but I guess it can't be helped here as this entire scenario IS political, like it or not. Every single bit of anybody in the news biz has their own agenda. It sure would be nice to have good old Walter Cronkite back...just give me the news and let ME make my determination as to what to make of it. Yep...those days are REALLY long gone.
Anyway, that's all for now. Chime in or not...this is as much me ranting to feel a bit better about things (best not to keep stuff locked away but to talk about it and bring it out in the open) as anything.
And away we go...into the bright blue yonder of our future. At least, I sure hope it's bright blue...doesn't look that way right now. Looks more like a Florida thunderstorm from hell.
Well, the FIRST thing that should have been done & should FINALLY START is a NATIONAL RESPONSE HEADED BY THE FEDERAL GOVT! Instead, the states have been left to not just fend for themselves but to FIGHT EACH OTHER over the necessary articles/equipment to fight & treat the virus! This sent prices soaring & encouraged hoarding by some states while others were left whatever pricey leftovers they could scrounge. And the govt SHOULD have left the scientists/medical experts to set up & control the response & NOT let the vile, power-hungry GOP-Nazis push people out of jobs that were trying to speak the truth & do what needs to be done!
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE who ventured into public places should have been forced to wear a mask since JANUARY! Or at least by mid-March. If that had been done, the number of cases & deaths would be a tenth or less of what they are now. And I believe our REAL number of cases is 10-20 times the official - so 30-60 million. The GOP-Nazis have now wrested the data away from the CDC to HIDE THE TRUTH going forward.
And you know what would have really helped? NOT having a SOCIOPATH as the supposed "leader" of the country! Someone who is NOT a narcissistic lying sack of shit & most of all, can actually feel EMPATHY for other human beings! Someone who actually LEADS the citizens to "fight this together" & not divide the people!
I said this back in March-April & I'll keep saying it : once the GOP-NAZIS realized this virus was especially deadly to the very old, the poor & people of color, they DECIDED TO LET THESE PEOPLE DIE! They largely rely on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid & other federally-subsidized programs & the Nazis HATE these programs & want them gone! Hell, they are sitting in their offices going "ka-ching, ka-ching" each time one of these folks die & are "off the public dole". That the Republicans allowed these Nazi pigs to take over their party & then the country is ALL ON THEM.
And "freedom to not wear a mask"?! WTF is THAT?! Is there "FREEDOM" to NOT WEAR A FREAKIN SEATBELT? "FREEDOM" to drink & drive?! What kind of asinine people push that kind of moronic shit?! I'll tell you who - NAZIs that are desperate to keep their racist/gun-obsessed/anti-government voter "base".
ReplyDeleteI'm not glad that COVID has ravaged our country & the world but there is ONE good thing to have come from it - the vast majority of Americans now see EXACTLY what kind of INCOMPETENT SERIAL LIAR occupies the WH & that to save our country & democracy, he & his vile party MUST be removed from power this November.
I look forward to seeing his ass FORCIBLY REMOVED from the WH, hopefully in CHAINS.
Susie, I'm really having a hard time getting a handle on what you are trying to say...trying to read between the lines and discern your true feelings from your tightly veiled comments...I mean, seriously, you need to express yourself and not keep these things bottled up inside! (GRIN!!!!)
ReplyDeleteSo, today would have been the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In addition to mourning "what might have been", I'm also already panicky that we won't have a 2021 Olympics either. IF a vaccine has been perfected by the end of the year AND on widespread availability not just within the USA but the WORLD by end of February at the latest, I THINK maybe they will happen. Is it possible? Probable? I don't know. These days I vacillate wildly between panic/depression & "magical thinking". The latter is more "fun", at least until I smack myself in the face ala the 'Home Alone' kid & yell "wake the f*ck up!". ;)
ReplyDeleteOf course, I realize that if crying about the Olympics is my biggest concern at this time then I've been DAMN FORTUNATE! I look at the COVID numbers every day on the Johns Hopkins site & am aghast & bereft of all the deaths that COULD have been & SHOULD have been prevented. I see on TV the lines of folks having to go to Food Banks to feed themselves & their families. I read of the millions who cannot pay their rent/mortgage & other bills. And I read of the millions who lost their health insurance after losing their jobs. The current form of capitalism is FAILING! Yes, some if not many of these folks have to blame THEMSELVES 1st for not having an Emergency Fund but losing one's health insurance during a PANDEMIC?! That's proof that our country's "health system" needs a COMPLETE OVERHAUL!
And every damn time I see on TV or the internet these SELFISH MORONS who refuse to wear masks, I literally begin shaking with anger. If the SOCIOPATH in the WH wants to deploy "Federal troops", he should have them ARREST these fellow pieces of shit & let peaceful protestors alone!
EVERY single enabler/collaborator of Trump needs to be arrested for TREASON. Starting with that abomination of an "Attorney General" Barr, then Moscow Mitch & that pathetic/heinous Lindsey Graham. Pretty much every Republican in Congress needs to sit thru the American version of the Nuremberg Trials. A "POX" on all their 'Houses'!