Thursday, June 13, 2019


Yep, I'm in Boulder. Colorado. Seems like a pretty nice place actually....tho a bit on the pricey side. Who would have thought....I imagine 5 to 10 years ago it was much more affordable...but success brings business which brings people which raises the prices of everything.

But still...a neat town in a neat area. Mountains...much like down south a bit in CO Springs...the great plains meet the Rocky Mountains. Same here. Though I admit I haven't really gotten to see or do much working every day, er, I mean night. 12 hour shifts are the normal, though some  nights we get cut loose early when we run out of work. Its been a REALLY busy trip (left my house on the 29th of May). I'm scheduled to fly home on part of the work is done. About 2/3rds of the crew stays to bring our equipment back home at the end of the month...I wont be in that part of the job as Jeannie and I will be on VACATION! In Hawaii! (woo-HOO!)

but enough on that...I did get out for a nice little hike the other morning up Flagstaff Mountain on yes, you guessed it, Flagstaff Trail. A nifty little 2.5 miles and probably just under 2000 of climbing. Here are a few pics...very pretty area.

 Looking at Boulder Falls, just a few miles out of town up Boulder Canyon (which sucks to drive right now, a ton of winter damage and 1-way traffic with flagmen everywhere...and TONS of traffic on a weekend).

 And Boulder Falls. NICE!

 The start of Flagstaff Trail. 

 This trail is just a bit of a hike...definetly had me sucking wind! (of course, I live at sea-level).

 As I neared the summit this little guy (well, not so little really, he/she is bigger than I am!) came cruising down towards the trail...if I had been just a few minutes behind Id have likely come face to face w/ him as he intersected w/ the trail not too far behind me. Here I'm about 30 to 40 yards from him. Hes not fully grown but not a cub...I took a few pics and got moving, wasn't sure if  he is still w/ mama or not at this age, and I really didn't want to meet HER!

 Just another shot of Mr. Bear. Pretty cool to see a bear on my FIRST hike here!

 Looking at Boulder thru a gap in the trees.

 And a panorama of the view.

 This is the amphitheater at the Flagstaff Mt Summit. Pretty amazing...I guess they have concerts and such here...wicked view!

 Looking at the stage and the view of Boulder beyond. NICE!

 More view of Boulder.

And finally another panorama.

And my trip here is almost over. I fly home Saturday (Hoo-RAY!) I'm tired...the 12 hour night-shifts really wear you down. As does working every day. Time to go home and then go on VACATION! Yeah!!



  1. Froome is OUT! I just saw on Velo News today that he crashed bad in a training ride 2 days ago (the 15th...the day I flew home from Boulder)...WOW! I'd think that makes things a bit easier as to WHO is in charge of the team more
    'dual leader' thing going on...but still, WOW! Sounds like he was hurt pretty bad...broken ribs, pelvis, etc...they said he hit a wall! WOW! Like him or not, this still is not a good way to end your Grand Tour career...(he's almost 35...getting to the end of a TDF win-age, especially w/ the new crop of GT riders nipping at his heels). should be interesting!

  2. And I forgot, the annual Tour Divide Mt bike race (ride) started last Friday, the 14th! In case you don't remember, it's over 2700 miles of self-supported backpacking (ie, on a loaded mt bike) over the continental divide from Banff Alberta to the Mexican border at Antelope Wells, New Mexico. The leaders are over 1000 miles already, averaging over 200 miles a day! (GASP!) Here's a link to the site, that also has the trackleaders board showing the SPOT tracks of every rider:

    Game ON!

  3. er, that's supposed to be "bikepacking", not "backpacking"...stupid autocorrect...

  4. First Froome out, then Thomas crashed (but I guess is OK and still scheduled for the TdF). Doesn't seem that the leadership of the team is settled, either, since both Bernal and Pouls have been riding very well (and may have ambitions).

    Did you see that Chris Horner is joining the commentary team? I always liked his post race interviews when he was riding, so I am looking forward to seeing how he works with VandeVelde & Roll. I haven't seen that Voight is joining them again.

    Boulder really does look like great hiking. I really prefer hiking in the mountains; although we have beautiful trails here, so many bugs and so much humidity sometimes spoils the day a bit.
    Hope you are enjoying Hawaii, see you when you get back!

    1. Awesome for Horner joining the crew, thanks for the notice! I just found a Cycling News article talking bout it...he will be working w/ VDV and Paul...and Bobke has moved up to the hot-seat and will be working w/ Phil! Was wondering who was going to move into that slot...THAT should be an interesting dynanmic! Great for Horner tho...and great for us! Hope he knocks it out of the park!

  5. That Paul that Chris will be working w/ was Burmeister btw...obviously (as THE Paul passed away). Hadn't really realized there were 2 Paul's until just now. It will be VERY sad NOT to have Mr. Tourism anymore...Paul Sherwin has done more for French Tourism over the years of the TDF broadcasts than any and all advertising they have done put together. He makes me want to go every single year! His steady calm voice when Phil is going crazy will surely be missed...I hope Bobke fits will be interesting for sure to see the dynamic of the 2 of them in the same booth day after day.
