Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Viva Las Vegas!

Yep...I really get around....Jeannie and I are now in Las Vegas!

For another 2.5 hours anyway.

And as I type, we are packing to LEAVE Las Vegas.

Its definitely a fun city to visit. at 3am I walked down to get us coffee, and there area all kinds of people gambling. LOTS of really nicely dressed people. What a place!

Anyway, I will post some pictures after we get to Hawaii.

Yes, you read that right...we fly to Honolulu this morning.

We will be there for a week.

There will be a wedding.

And drinks.

I will add more as time permits...the time here in Vegas went by VERY swiftly! 

I am so tired.

Need sleep.



  1. Hey Matt, hope to hear all about your trips to Vegas & Hawaii!

    Sorry that I've been incommunicado so long but this year's turning out to be even worse than last & I don't see things turning around too soon. Anyhoo, I plan to watch the Tour & I HOPE to get here to chat! Next Wednesday, one of my front teeth will be extracted for the eventual implant & I plan to take off the next day to recover. My teeth are crap but my ROOTS NEVER WANT TO COME OUT which makes their extraction "difficult". Plus, far worse than the extraction is that 2 out of 3 times, I've developed infections in the socket & lemme tell you, the pain is WORSE than kidney stones! This oral surgeon has decided to have me start taking antibiotics 2 days before the procedure to help combat that. I'm very fretful about this particular procedure as I will have to wear something called a "flipper" (basically a retainer with a fake tooth attached, I think) for several months, until the implant is placed & then 3 months after that, my dentist crowns it. And it costs more than twice what my previous 2 dental implants cost.

    I have NO idea how the Tour will shake out what with 3 of last year's top finishers not in the race! And with Gerraint crashing out of the Swiss, I guess he won't be in tip-top shape, at least at the beginning. I like Gerraint but I REALLY do NOT want Team Death Star (AKA "Ineos") to win again this year! Don't want Nibali either. Would LOVE to see Riggo win, with Tejay a great helper. And maybe one of Aussie twins on the podium along with Thumper.

    Also, I realize Cav has dealt with numerous issues (crashes, sicknesses) the past few years & hasn't been the rider he once was, but for his team to not even select him?! I was shocked & disgusted!

    Anyhoo, I'll click on NBCSN Saturday ay 6:00 AM & settle in on my sofa! It looks like I'll miss some of Sunday's live coverage as I'll be watching Team USA in the World Cup Final! Which happens to be taking place IN France, unlike the Tour de France, I think. (I'm not sure how long the race is in Belgium).

    Well, Rae, Barbara & any other old IA readers still about - hope you're all well & will be watching too & we can chat about the day's triumphs & defeats throughout!. :)

  2. Gads Susie, that sounds HORRIBLE! (the teeth)....makes my skin crawl! I've always said, why bother with torture and water-boarding and such, risking international disfavor and fallout? All you have to do is give your bad guys FREE DENTAL WORK! Maybe a bit of watered down Novocain, and you start drilling, and they'll tell you anything you want! And when it's all over and they do finally get released, they'll have perfect teeth! It would be a media bonanza..."see what we are doing for our detainees?" Gads, I should be in Government!

    ANYWAY....hope everything comes out fine with your torture, er, dental work.

    And Rae, hope YOUR retirement is going swimmingly! Boy, if I was retired I'd be able to watch EVERY STAGE guilt free, AND get in housework AND a bike ride....EVERY DAY! (so I say here...likely the days fly by even faster than normal...much like VACATION days). And speaking of VACATION days, my vacation is over...Monday it's back to work...boo-hoo! Boy, I REALLY need to retire! Alas, we didn't win a few Mill in Vegas, which would have let us both go out now...so on we work. Rats.
